Title: Mr Bean, Toothache
I read a book review about this book yesterday, so I wanted to read this book.
In this story, Mr Bean had a bad toothache.
He tried his best to heal his toothache. For example, he tried to pull out his tooth using yarns.
But, he couldn't heal his toothache.
Eventually, he saw a dentist and got treatment.
I learned two things when I read this story.
For one thing, it is the best way to see some specialists when we have some troubles.
Especially, when we have illness or disorder in our body.
For another thing, we must keep our teeth healthy.
Anyway, I think Mr Bean has to improve his eating habits and realize that his teeth are not strong.
But, he couldn't heal his toothache.
返信削除(Better to join this to the previous sentence.)
Especially, when we have illness or disorder in our body.
(Better to join this to the previous sentence.)